Analytical Immunoengineering Laboratory
Meet the Team
Aereas Aung
Principal Investigator
I received my B.S. in Bioengineering at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) before joining Dr. Shyni Varghese's lab at UCSD for my graduate degree. For my doctoral studies, I received the Engelson Award for best thesis in Bioengineering by investigating cancer cell mechanics and developing fluidic devices that incorporated 3D photopatterning for disease modeling. This work also allowed me to explore potential commercialization of my research by successfully getting accepted into the NSF-ICORPS and ONEStart Entrepreneurship programs.
Following my graduate studies, I joined Dr. Darrell J. Irvine's lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where I worked in vaccinology and immunology as a NRSA Post-doctoral Fellow for AIDS related research. In particular, I investigated protease activity within lymph nodes that modulated humoral response against different vaccine modalities. For this work, I received the Young Investigator Award from the Scripps Consortium for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development.​
As an independent investigator, I seek to further understand humoral immunity and bridge my post-doctoral research with my past experiences in cancer and quantitative tool development.
Assistant Professor
University of Toronto
Ran Ye
Ph.D. Candidate
Ran Ye graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, majoring in Pharmacy. She is currently investigating vaccine responses to novel antigens.
Haotian Xue
Ph.D. Candidate
Haotian Xue graduated from McMaster University, majoring in Mechatronics. He is currently developing platforms to quantitatively assess vaccine response.
Maha Mian
Ph.D. Candidate
Maha Mian graduated from University of Toronto with a specialization in Biochemistry. She is currently exploring the use of novel antigens and advancing in vitro culture systems.
Zahn Bariring
M.S. Candidate
Zahn Bariring graduated from University of Toronto with a specialization in Neuroscience. She is currently investigating vaccine responses to novel antigens.